[center][img=http://www.leemoyer.com/img/s8/v74/p1901784465-2.jpg][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Talus (Tal or Tally) O'Malley [b]Alias:[/b] “The Essence Weaver”, “Windy City Warden” [b]Age: [/b]29 [b]Affiliations:[/b] The Kingdom of Gospel, Fallen Chicago [b]Relations:[/b] None [b]Duty:[/b] A guardian of mankind [b]Appearance:[/b] Eyes – Blue Hair – Natural Platinum Blonde, colour often dyed Skin – Fair Height – 5' 10” Weight – Approx. 160 lbs [center][img=http://www.leemoyer.com/img/s10/v112/p1798775055-2.jpg][/center] Talus is fickle in her appearance. Often times, she dyes her hair vibrant unnatural shades and wears outrageous outfits. She is a firm believer in showmanship and an eccentric towards displaying individuality. The only constants there seems to be in her appearance is an [url=http://img1.etsystatic.com/000/0/6369154/il_fullxfull.293681211.jpg?ref=l2]ear-wrapped piercing[/url] on each ear, strung with angel feathers, beads and crystals that dangle down to her neck. As well, she has a pair of silver ball piercings below her bottom lip. Upon her right wrist is a braided metal bracelet of different metals with small dangling shields etched with various symbols. Usually, she is wearing a red leather jacket with runes burned across the shoulders and down her sleeves. [b]Personality:[/b] She is rather spontaneous and fickle in her day-to-day life and appearance, almost as if she is drifting through her life. She often times appears aloof and to be a joker, meeting most things with humor. However, in her self-proclaimed duty, she becomes quite serious. She is stubborn, has a temper at times, and if she were a guy might be considered chivalrous in her treatment of women. The girl has a soft spot for children and animals, as well. For any of the three, she will easily throw herself into danger to protect. [b]Biography:[/b] Talus was born to a large family in Chicago. They were well-to-do, but not terribly so. They were quite close, but not stifling. Religious people, but not overbearingly. They were nice and good people. They all were lost or went their separate ways. Talus herself stayed in Chicago, setting up with her own small gifts to establish herself as a guardian in Chicago. For a large part, while she fails to know the true reason behind the deaths and disappearance of her family, she has settled in the idea that angels and demons were to blame in the matter. Knowing little of the two, she set to ward them off from the city. Overall, with her modest talents, she was successful. No great power came, so she was capable in driving them off. In her overwatch of the city, she started to develop names. The Windy City Warden being the most prevalent. People who sighted her on her mission to protect the city spread the word. She was known. The life was rough, though. For awhile, she was on the streets. Being a hero certainly did not pay well. However, in time, she began to reluctantly take on private work, taking on requests for those who could pay her. It was enough for a small apartment and to provide for her, to fund some of her new work in folding essence into objects and to support her possibly unhealthy hobby for reading novels. Perhaps it could not last. In the fall of the Hell Gate, things went south fast. Greater entities began to rear their ugly heads in Chicago. She could not play in the big-leagues. Soon enough, she began to fail, and Chicago finally fell. She tried to continue to protect her city, but there was little she could do now. Perhaps it was her struggle against non-humankind that drew the attention of the Kingdom of Gospel. The Kingdom of Gospel found her, beaten once more by a force greater than her. They took her in, and began to explain to her their vision. It was enough for her, perhaps, as she took them up on the offer to join up. Chicago was in hell, anyways. Joining up with the Gospel was good for her, in general. She was far from the streets, she had support in her actions and she was given time to fully come to comprehend her increased competence in magic over the year. In her practice, she began to earn the title of The Essence Weaver as she crafted items to assist others in utilizing essence. And so, here she is, a mission in her mind, the talent to back it up, and ready to start a fight. [b]Abilities:[/b] [b]Essence-Infuser – [/b]Talus has the talent to infuse an essence ability to an item. These items are multiple-use but each has a specific purpose. It takes some time to infuse an object in this manner and requires an exact idea of how it will work put into it during the time. These objects are used as focus points to channel essence through in the future. Often times, when an object is designed towards a specific purpose, pieces symbolic of its purpose may assist in creating a base-line to work upon and ease the focus and essence required in the future to work it. These objects can be overloaded and when this is done, most often, the object will be destroyed. [b]Items –[/b] [list] [*]Ear-wrap piercings: These earrings of silver, beads, crystals and angel feathers have been attuned to alert her of the presence of angelic and demonic entities by creating soft chiming near her ears when they appear within her range, alerting to the general direction they are to be found.[/*] [*]Leather Jacket: This jacket has been inscribed with protective magic. The areas it covers are protected from being pierced by bullet, blade, fang, claws etcetera... However, that says nothing of the force behind such attacks. She can still be injured by excessive strength behind such attacks, such as heavy bruising, broken bones and so forth. This jacket also fails to protect against anything else that could destroy it. Heat will still go through it, as will cold and lightning and other such things. [/*] [*]Shield Bracelet: This bracelet is another object infused with protective essences. It is more thorough than the leather jacket in what it protects against, being able to stop force, heat and more but takes warning and focus to bring up. Against continued assaults, it begins to tire the wearer and too long is liable to incapacitate them. Under great strain, the bracelet itself may be overloaded and destroyed.[/*] [*]Everkeen: Everkeen is a steel longsword. Overall, it is pretty typical, the only real effects upon it are that the edge is always razor sharp and is more durable than a typical blade.[/*] [/list] [b]Rune Circle:[/b] In a pinch, Tally has the ability to scribe down a magic circle that draws in and captures essence. To channel a specific effect, she must focus her thoughts and give a rough idea written out in runes at the 5 points of the magic circle. Certain objects can also be used as a focus to amplify the effects or act as a proxy, IE) A stuffed animal to represent a lycan, or a person's hair, blood, etc to focus it on them. The strength of the effects and range are determined by the strength of the circle (how detailed through runes, the size, or symbolic items), the time spent channeling the circle, the amount of essence (drawn from an area, herself or representative items), and how complicated the effects are. IE) A circle that has had days of being fed essence, using a symbolic item with the hair/blood/etc of the target with an elaborate circle could create a far stronger effect than a circle drawn in the moment. – While these circles could be used to have harmful effects, those are typically the most time-consuming and usually require a great deal of time to achieve. For the most part, they are best to temporarily enchant an object for a single task, create a temporary barrier between the interior and exterior of the circle, or create quick effects over a small area. [b]One Woman Rave:[/b] Perhaps her greatest talent that she has excelled at is illusory magic. She can manage most things in this field, however, it is a grain tax on her mind and a draining exercise. Small tricks are nothing, but large scenes, sounds, effects and so forth can quickly become taxing as she attempts to pull off more and more. [b]Bang-Bang:[/b] Through using an empty-clipped pistol, she has learned to manifest projectiles of essence to fire at enemies, using the gun as a focus point. While she could, potentially, do this with any gun, she is most familiar with the essence in her own weapon and so it comes easiest to her. With time, she could perhaps figure out how to accomplish the same effect without a gun or perhaps even change the effects of the ability, but as of now, it takes too long, too much mental focus and too much energy to accomplish.