Catiel felt a slight twinge at the corner of her mouth, a grin trying to form... Which she mercilessly beat down, looking away. "Even if you say that... I wouldn't matter to them," she muttered. "If it's a moving target or something, that wouldn't mean anything. So... Even if what you said was true... In the eyes of the others... It's still nothing impressive. And they'd still say that stuff." Staring at her bow, she sighed. "I remember when this used to be fun... But now, it's just... What even is the point anymore...?" She mumbled to herself. Noticing its master was upset, the giant black and green snake unwrapped itself, and slithered over. Butting its head against her hand, it got her attention so that it could tickle her on the nose with its tongue. "H-Hey, Seth, stop that!" She giggled, the snake continuing to tickle her. Eventually, she just couldn't keep her sour mood anymore, and she just started petting the snake, a slight smile on her face. "Thanks Seth..."