Catiel squeaked, terrified. Seth hissed at the Lost, slithering away to save its master. It kept going for some time, the elf girl slowly regaining her nerves. However, once she regained control over her nerves, she remembered... They were leaving Ateznus behind. Her brother... One of the [I]few[/I] people who believe in her. He may have killed some when he was a kid... But this was an army. If he died... She patted a hand on Seth's head, making the snake look at her in curiosity. "We can't leave," she said. Before the serpent could figure out what she meant, the elf girl pretty much threw herself off, grasping at her bow. Notching an arrow, she watched the Lost. Good, none of them seem to realize she's still around. If she could just get a good shot. Like... About... "Now!" She fired an arrow, which imbedded itself in a Lost's head. Not letting up, she notched two more arrows, firing them to get a couple in the chest. Then she fired another one to get a fourth in the neck. Taking a deep breath, she started to mentally congratulate herself... When she realized that the shots didn't kill them at all. If anything... It just made them pissed. "W-What? B-But those were direct hits, to lethal-" She stopped mid-sentence, eyes widening. That's right. These things aren't really alive. They're more like solid ghosts, a few arrows will do nothing to them. Lost started to shamble in her direction, intending to rip her apart, or do whatever they do when they want to murder the fuck out of someone.