[center][b]Axxx Drk - Correctional Facility for Supernatural Creatures[/b] [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/348soc1.jpg[/IMG] For every supernatural creature there is a counsel governing each race, but above those counsels are a handful of people in charge of those lesser counsels. The ones that pass the rules down to the lower counsels to have their laws enforced, to keep balance between all non-human and human creatures. Breaking one of these rules usually result in a slap on the wrist, but unnecessary acts against humans, or the many unforgivable acts committed against fellow non-humans will land you in this facility. The guards aren't out to help you, and you don't have any friends in here. [/center] [hider=Rules] -All guild rules apply -One inmate per person. If you want, you are welcome to NPC guards to your hearts desire. -Respect your fellow roleplayers. -Do not ask if you can create a male character. Answer is always no, but you're welcome to make a roleplay of the same idea for male characters. -If you have a problem with something, be respectful in your approach to address the issue. I'm always open to suggestions. -Write [b]at least[/b] three lines per post, that's all I ask. -I'm going to set up a posting limit depending on how many people are interested. For now, that is all! [/hider] [hider=The Sheet] (Insert photo of your character here - Art, Anime) Alternative Photo of Character: ( If you're not always humanoid in appearance, please include this label! If not, discard it. :) Name: Age: Race: (Vampires, Fairies, Werewolves, etc) Height: Abilities: (If any - Go all out if you want, the Prison will nerf all inmate abilities, especially if they are dangerous. Thank the Witches.) Prison Outfit: (Describe in detail what your inmate is wearing. Why? Because I'm a visual person and I really can't imagine all of these creatures walking around in the same jumpsuit everyday. If you don't want to, you're welcome to wear a basic jump suit in any of the colors I've stated. They may choose between the colors of Orange, Khaki, Navy Blue, Black, White, Forest Green or Classic B&W combo. No pointed heels, spikes, or metal shoes. No jewelry. Furthermore, whichever color you choose will be your whole outfit color; Don't get fancy though. Blank tee shirts, skirts, shorts, pants, tank tops, scrubs and dresses are allowed.) Personality: ( At least three sentences.) History: ( I would prefer this be revealed IC, but if you must go ahead and fill this out. Don't say why your character was imprisoned.) [/hider] [i] This is just a rough draft, but feel free to submit character sheets here. More will be added to the OOC if I get any interest.[/i]