It came out of nowhere. Some say it was the wrath of God, others some sort of government bio-weapon gone out of control, some even thought it was radiation from space. Whatever it was and wherever it came from it caused the dead to rise from their graves and attack the living. These reanimated dead would spread there affliction to others through bites and scratches causing the plague to spread quickly. Within three weeks of the initial infection it had already spread across half the globe and within in the month the world it entirety were filled with the walking dead. Entire countries and governments fell against the fast spreading infection effectively ending humanities reign on the planet. When the virus had reached it's peak it had practically wiped out most of the entire human race. These surviving few struggle everyday to survive in this harsh world, where one fatal mistake could mean the end of your life, or becoming one of the undead. Survivors fight to survive and one day hope to find a place to call home. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Been awhile since I've been in an old fashioned post-apocalyptic zombie rp. The last one i did was on the old guild and even then it had been awhile. So I really wanted to get back into one XD So basic plot is basically what I said where a bunch of survivors struggle to survive the zombie apocalypse and want to fins a place to live. Ive already got a destination in mind that will be revealed in the actually rp. Rules - No Godmodding -Keep any romance PG-13 anything just fade to black m'kay XD -Cursing is allowed obviously its the goddamn zombie apocalypse after all. CS Appearance: Name: Age: Weapons: (main, secondary, melee) Bio: (Can be TBR) Character theme:(Optional) Other: (Anything I forgot.) My CS Appearance: [img=] Name: Moses Bishop Age: 19 Weapons: [url=]M1A[/url] [url=] Colt King Cobra[/url] [url=]Tomahawk[/url] Bio: TBR Character theme:[url=] Its On Again[/url] Other: Has a Siberian Husky named [url=]Joan[/url]