[quote=Paingodsson] The Group of creatures had decided that the hope was lost. They ran off screaming in terror. Garth turned to Amaron and was about to open his mouth but Amaron held up his finger. Quiet, "Who are the rest of you?" he said as he looked at each one of them. He decided to keep his wolf eyes out to try to intimidate any of them from fighting him. "Where do you come from and why are you here? Are you involved with these strange happenings?" he asked. Garth opened his mouth, "Don't you think some of them could be innocent?" he said questioning how forward Amaron was being with the rest of them. I mean they fought these creatures just like you and me. Amaron nodded, "Yes, indeed, but I don't trust those that hide!" he said as he pulled out his bow and aimed it at the direction he had seen Cryalis go, he pointed it at the bush not realizing she had gone up the tree. "So you best come out now whoever you are." At that time, the forces had already arrived, "Captain Amaron who are these people?!" they exclaimed as they aimed bows and pikes in their direction. Garth backed up, "HEY pal, what's the idea we just helped you!" he yelled. Amaron nodded, "But until i know who you are and where you come from you are to not be trusted... So then, SPEAK!" he ordered. [/quote] Cryalis became quite overcame by the sudden arrival of more men. She knew that if they all decided to come after her, she wouldn't just be able to hide until they left. All they had to do is look up, after all, then it would only be a matter of time before they started shooting her, and it was only a matter of time before one arrow found its mark... Carefully scaling down the tree, she opened her mouth, but was temporarily stunned by the massive amounts of pikes and spears pointed at her. Regaining her composure, she tried again. "My name is Cryalis, northern ranger, slayer of the lich, Saludin. Normally I wouldn't be far enough south to see these types of trees, but I was chased by a necromancer's cabal and... I guess one of them caught me in a banishing spell and I ended up here. I have a question for you, if you don't mind- where in the empire of Quelens are we? I do not recognize this place at all, which is unusual."