[quote=Sonatina] Can I play a human? I'm incredibly interested in this. [/quote] Indeed, you can =3 . Send me your character sheet whenever you are ready. Thank you for being interested ^ ^ [quote=Fire Fairy] So we just need two more humans? I can have my character just be human if needed to do so. [/quote] Fire, if you feel comfortable with playing two characters, I would advice them to be a human and a Key. However, if you wish to start off with only one character, be my guest and make them whatever you wish =3. Right now, our balance is splendid. We have three confirmed keys and two confirmed humans. If Sonatina creates an acceptable human character, this would mean we would have three humans. Thus you and Krauxis may create both a key and a human, without tilting the scale. Even if you decide you want to make only one character, I don't think that it would cause much of a problem, seeing as I plan on allowing a few more people in. I'm going to keep this Int.Che. up for a little while more, in order to see if anyone else would like to participate, but at this very moment, the assembled team looks promising and perhaps even enough to get the story started. Still, I would personally prefer to have five humans and five keys in the very beginning, just so there would be more chances for different interactions and variety. [center]In other news, how are you all? =3 Sharing a little video for motivation X3[/center] [center][youtube]gKlYJ39ZBNI[/youtube][/center]