I can always write it up as such. A jedi in the squadron is not happening, mostly because I feel it kills some of the fun of the setting in that era -- the Jedi have been essentially eradicated. Yes, Obi-Wan and Yoda and a couple others survived, but in hiding. Luke Skywalker joined the rebellion, but with Force sensitivity and only a smidge of training. I prefer not to turn the canon on its head just to add an implausible Jedi in the ranks. *Edit: Granted, according to Wookieepedia, a few Jedi survivors of Order 66 did join the Rebellion, but they had larger responsibilities than serving as combat pilots in a fighter squadron. I stand by the decision, basically -- any Jedi survivors would be bigger movers and shakers than pilots in a starfighter squadron. Incidentally, I have given some thought to how the carrier might be modified -- perhaps with an extra robust ECM/Jamming package to help in the sort of guerrilla role it's employed in, as well as a repulsor-catapult system for rapid launch of fighters. I feel that it's likely their particular Venator has been refitted extensively to serve as an even better carrier at the expense of direct firepower. It wouldn't be able to go toe to toe with ISD's anyway.