QUESTION: Is it possible for a human to be a dedicated pilot for a certain machine that then is enhanced by magic or is it more directly applied magic such as throwing fireballs and whatnot? I can tweak the character to fit either style but I would prefer the former. [img][/img] Name: David ‘Growler’ Cain Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Human Elemental Affinity: Air Personality: While his appearance and intelligence would suggest a high class upbringing the second David opens his mouth this image is taken out back, brutally beaten to death and then set on fire. His coarse speech is reminiscent of a soldier or a dockworker. He speaks his mind with minimal regard for who is around to hear it, bearing his opinions openly and proudly. Devoted to his friends David will throw himself into harms way without hesitation to help his precious people. In his own words, “If I say you’re my friend I mean it. You could come into my house and fuck my sister. Not that I have one but still, it’s the thought that counts.” He hates his biological family with a passion. Background: David hails from the family behind the influential Cain transport corporation, from great coastal city of Mokum-am-Amster. During his childhood he first appeared to be growing up into what his parents wanted, right up until his age twelve. It was then that the family of his best friend Jakob fell from grace, their own financial empire collapsing nearly overnight in the crisis of ‘49. All of a sudden David was prohibited from seeing Jakob because the boy was now ‘beneath his status’. The incident marked the start of his teenaged rebellion years. Together with a few other friends David often snuck out and visited Jakob anyway, as well as generally doing his best to be just barely obedient enough to not get punished. At sixteen his father had had enough of the troublesome teen pushing his boundaries and sent him to a boot camp for troubled teens with the intent to ‘instill some discipline’ into his psyche. At the camp out into the western wastes, David quickly made friends with the more rebellious teens there. It was during one of their escape attempts that they encountered a troop of soldiers spying on and making fun of the misery the boys were in. ‘Sacrificing’ himself, David distracted the troop while his friends continued to make a run for it. While they were all caught and returned to camp eventually, David’s courage and willingness for self-sacrifice impressed the corporal in charge of the squad. After a long heart to heart talk with the woman, as well as seeing how the soldiers treated one another, David changed. His behaviour became muted. His act straightened out. Though still not the model son his parents hoped for, David ceased to make endless trouble for no good reason. Right up until his eighteenth birthday, upon which he ran away from home and enlisted in the air force. Just barely old enough to qualify for service, David aced the entry exam and qualified for fighter pilot. As the corporal had told him years ago, occasionally it’s best to wait before you make your move. And no matter how influential the Cain family was, they could not just pluck him out of the airbase he was training at. Then once it had become clear he possessed the qualities required of a guardian all of a sudden he was shipped off to the mystical forests where the elves lived. Given he has had to give up the dream job of a fighter pilot for this, he hopes guardianship is as good as the rumours say it is.