Almost done, I just need to work on the shares now. [Hider=Work in Progress] [b]Name:[/b] Gavin Walsh [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Appearance:[/b] Gavin is tall, the boy stands at six feet and two inches and weighs 175 pounds. One might think that someone of his height would be hard to miss, but somehow he manages to blend in and stay unnoticed. The young man is average in almost all aspects and isn't anything to stare at. His most noticeable feature is his eyes, deep set and a light blue, they're very expressive and are a bit too big for his face. If Gavin is upset or excited, it'll most likely show in his eyes. The young man is a little bit on the pale side. He likes to bundle up and isn't one for going outside. His older brother affectionately refers to him as "Slenderman" or "Zombie" because most of the time Gavin looks as if he has just crawled out of bed. He almost always has a tired look on his face (unless with people he knows) and his hair is a tangled mess. Dark, curly, and flopping in every direction. Gavin is usually seen in unironed dress shirts and worn out jeans. He can't really be bothered with looking prim and proper. [b]Condition: [/b] The ghost that haunts Gavin has a name and its name is Schizophrenia. He was diagnosed at the age of eight. Gavin's parents noticed that he had more fun with his imaginary friends than other children. At first they shrugged it off, but when Gavin would suddenly scream and cry for no reason they thought something was terribly wrong. He saw things that they didn't and heard things that they couldn't hear. The child was suffering from both audio and visual hallucinations. To Gavin, his hallucinations were as real as the people around him. Some of these hallucinations were pleasant, but some weren't, and they caused the otherwise sweet boy to kick, yell, scream and just spiral out of control. Gavin would break down in the middle of lunch, crying about an evil person out to get him. He'd hear voices in his head telling him to jump off stairs and he'd hear voices coming from inside the walls. His illness blurred the lines between what was real and what wasn't. It was excruciatingly hard at first and the hallucinations were constant but after years of therapy and medication, the boy is much better. Sometimes, he still talks to people who aren't there. He finds it hard to concentrate, is uncertain and a little distrustful, but when on medication Gavin is a nice boy, a little odd, but kind. When stressed out, the lines between real and not real tend to blur. [b]Shares:[/b] [b]WIP[/b] [b]Possessions:[/b] Gavin can be a little paranoid, so he keeps a pocket knife with him at all times. The young man also brings all his keys whenever he leaves his house, just to make sure that no else has them. Aside from that, he makes sure he has his phone with him at all times. The most important item he brings along is his medicine because if he doesn't take them, he'll start to hallucinate. Gavin keeps all of his things in an old and worn out backpack. [b]Relationships:[/b] I'd be happy to discuss relationships with you all. I might shoot you a PM or ask you on the OOC. Feel free to do the same.[/hider]