Junkojuro chuckled softly when Kanaka addressed him with such a formal honorific. "You may be at ease around me and reserve the 'sama' for dignitaries like your brother. You are quite perceptive, though. Indeed I am a sanbi and an adherent of Oinari-sama." He noticed that her sight, though acute for a mortal, was somewhat strained. Perhaps he could help her with that one day. "As for why I invited you here, I'm not entirely sure. For the past decade or so, my presence has been unknown, so perhaps the prospect of being able to speak openly with at least one other person was alluring. Or perhaps I did not want to wake up one day to find a talisman on my head. Either way, you must admit it is much simpler this way. With your sight you would have found me eventually. At least this way you can be at ease knowing that the youkai lurking in your home means you no harm, and I can be at ease knowing that my gardening won't be upset by a need to hide from you. What a shame it would be if I neglected a flower simply because you were standing near it!" He gave another soft laugh as he gently stroked a bud, as if coaxing it to bloom. "Ah, but that is only my side of the story. Surely you have one of your own. You came to me of your own free will, and quite off-guard. Was there something that you wished to achieve in speaking with me, or was it simply a whim like mine?"