[img]http://www.artwallpaperhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20121025/black%20lagoon%20revy%20vector%204224x3005%20wallpaper_www.artwallpaperhi.com_64.jpg[/img] [img]http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/bdd20992/lupin_transformation_sequence_by_sugarpoultry-d46yy55_zps514e0a1a.png[/img] Name: Ericka Age: 25 Race: Werewolf Height: 6'1'' Abilities: Typical werewolf abilities, heightened sense of smell, hearing, bloodlust, etc, etc... >.> Prison Outfit: She started off with just a normal black jumpsuit, but after a recent fight with one of the gargoyle women in the prison grounds, the top was ripped, leaving just a half cut black and white striped tank-top with her prisoner number on the back. Atop her head, she wears a black bandanna, on her wrists are thick leather armbands and on her neck is a special enchanted leather collar that surpresses her ability to transform. There's even a steel ring for attaching a leash, something the guards usually do to humiliate her. Personality: [b]"Oh so you're the new fish in the pond, eh? Lemme tell you something, bitch. When you're in here, the warden ain't the only one who owns your ass, I do, and if you look at me funny, I will rip your damn eyes out and shove 'em down your fucking throat!"[/b] Rarely does Ericka show kindness or sincerity, and at times, many think she's crazy. She's volatile and she takes maniacal glee in killing anyone and everyone. She is also fiercely independent and violently assertive, often using verbal or physical abuse as a response to anyone who crosses her. However, Ericka's tough and abbrasive exterior is only a guise for her true self, her lack of inner strength and her overwhelming fear of being nothing but forgotten by all. Also she has an intense hatred towards vampires. History: [b]"Look! You don't know a thing about me, and I don't give a shit about you! So fuck off!"[/b] Not much is known of her history, other than she was born in Emilijia, near a port on the Faro Bay, and that the first time she ever killed someone was when she was ten years old. Ericka never likes to speak much of her past, because there are just some things that should be left unsaid, even if they aren't that troubling to some.... Other: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTs9QxwcN44]Theme[/url]