Kitsune stood outside with his retainers who were getting tired of the heir's timid and shy attitude. If this keeps up, the people of the Mitsumine will think that the Boar was fragile and weak! The heir avoided the deathly stares of his retainers; even Shigeige Shibata, his closest retainer, was getting fed up with Kitsune being pushed around, or rather, allowing himself to be pushed around. For Kitsune, it seemed like an eternity of waiting as he kept adoring the Mitsumine land. Knowing his destiny to lead the Boar, Kitsune wanted a land which does not only house battle-hardened warriors, but also a clan which is a haven of sanctuary and peace. The young heir was baffled with his father's zeal for battle; as if their clan was always expecting more wars to come. For the heir, as long as war is on the minds of people, then war will happen; of course, he didn't want that. Suddenly, Kitsune was snapped out of his thoughts by Shibata who was vigorously shaking his shoulder. It seemed that Mitsumine was ready to see him. His retainers offered to accompany him inside, but the heir said otherwise. It would only show disrespect and distrust in Mitsumine's honor and moralities. Kitsune nodded to the servant who approached him, and straightened his kimono. With a slow stride, Kitsune entered the room. His eye immediately caught Mitsumine Ryuunosuke, who was sitting already. Kitsune pulled out his fan as he took a deep bow towards Ryuunosuke. "It is an honor to finally meet you, Mitsumine Ryuunosuke-dono. I heard a lot from my father of your upcoming ascension to the position of head. I do hope you don't mind my attire..." Kitsune pointed to his blue kimono which had tatters on it. "Not really dressed for such an occasion." Kitsune smiled as he sat in seiza. His eye also caught the sight of Hana, whom he had met at the gate. "I'm sorry for adding to your burdens, when you could have met more powerful individuals." Kitsune chuckled as he pulled out two small chests from the pouch he was carrying... Well, Shibata was carrying it before. "But I guess, I can't waste anymore of your time; so allow me to get straight to the point." the heir switched to a serious tone as he laid out the chests in front of him. "I've come from the Boar Clan upon my father's urging. I think that it has reached the ears of your honorable clan that the heir of the Boar is useless in battle. Well, I can honestly say it is true, Mitsumine-dono." Kitsune bowed his head as he continued speaking. "From the very beginning, I never shared my father's or my clan's zeal for war, and I thought I could escape my destiny. However, it seems I cannot. My father refuses to see me back at the clan if I did not learn how to fight. So, my purpose for this visit is to ask you, Mitsumine-dono, and your clan to allow me to train here, in the Mitsumine, until such time that I am competent enough to return home." Kitsune laid out the truth as he cast aside any pride that remained. He then opened the chests, which did not contain gold nor lumber; but flasks upon flasks. "I refused my father's gift of lumber, because I wanted this to be my own effort. Here, I present to you, a specially made medicine from natural herbs within our forests. However, I do pray that the day you have to use these medicines may never come." Kitsune bowed again as he raised his head. "My uncle has come to present my father's gift in the first place. I think, Mitsumine-dono, you will be meeting him soon." Kitsune raised his head as he looked at Ryuunosuke with full determination. "I do hope of your favorable decision, Mitsumine-dono. It will mean so much to our humble clan."