[b]“[i]What[/i] am I doing here?”[/b] She questioned herself as she stared at the large wooden doors, surrounded by strangers all here for the same purpose. It made her uncomfortable. Everyone aware of one another. She felt in the open, unhidden. She had nothing to gain from this escapade, nothing she could think of. Except...for a dragon. Yes, having a dragon of her own sounded quite nice. Just think of it, all the things that became possible for her. Traveling would be much quicker, maybe it'd be easier for her to intimidate people. Surely a dragon would get her out of a lot of trouble. Who knows, maybe there would even be a big buyer for this dragon of hers. After all, she was a rogue, and a rogue does love the coin. A roar from the skies interrupted her thoughts and when she looked up, she saw a black dragon soaring above. She recognized this dragon, as just a few weeks ago it was used to sway her into this ordeal. If Merrik wouldn't have presented to her his dragon, she'd of thought the man was mad. But upon seeing a dragon with her own eyes, she was sold. However, based on her histories, she wasn't really sure why Merrik even came to her. She was the rogue type, after all. Sneaky things, always stealing, never to be trusted. She'd kill if she had to, a kill the victim wouldn't see coming. Why was she so deserving of this great pleasure? She knew her tendencies were [i]wrong[/i], in a sense. So why would Merrik call onto her? Fate, perhaps? She wasn't so sure. Her thoughts were interrupted again as Merrik called out to the tamers, his voice echoing throughout the grand Colosseum. [b]“Be brave, be strong. Be wise.”[/b] She said to herself. Strength and bravery weren't much to a rogue. She didn't need the strength to succeed. She needed her speed. She didn't need to be brave to pull through. She needed luck. But wisdom, wisdom was a rogue's niche. [i]'Be quick, be lucky, and for God's sake, be wise.'[/i] Suddenly, her attention was averted as the wooden doors burst open. Before she could see what happened, blurs of color spiraled over their heads and dispersed into the sky. She couldn't fathom which one might be hers, there were so many options. [i]'Greetings, rogue.'[/i] Startled by the sudden voice, Myar spun around, peering her eyes at the other tamers standing around her. It took her a moment to realize she hadn't actually heard the voice, but the voice was merely in her head. She smirked and looked into the sky. [b]“Alright, which one are you?”[/b] She could hear the dragon's thoughts, but she couldn't pick out which one it was. [i]'That is for you to figure out, on your own. Can you not detect me? I thought for a rogue, that this would have been easier for you.'[/i] Just then, her eyes were momentarily blinded by the flickering of a light. Her eyes darted from dragon to dragon trying to find the source. Her eyes caught onto a dragon that had clear membranous wings, and shining through those wings was a beauty Myar hadn't even seen in her treasures. The sun shining through the dragon's wings emitted a beautiful blend of blues and greens, colors swirling and dancing together like the Boreal lights in the Northern skies. The dragon descended softly to the ground. Myar took the time to examine her. She was large, but certainly not as large as Obsidian Nova, and stood no taller than herself. Her scales were a beautiful icy blue, and when light hit them just right, the iridescent qualities in her scales would flicker blues and purples. She had large teeth and thick claws, and not to mention those wings. [i]'So, you found me.'[/i] Her purple eyes flickered. [i]'Am I a treasure worth taking,'[/i] the dragon asked as she released a small bit of cyan fire at the rogue. Myar dodged the fire quite easily, but didn't expect the second attack that came right after and managed to burn her arm. The dragon sent more attacks, bit by bit, shooting them faster, larger, intensifying the heat. Myar continuously evaded each one, dodging, ducking, and flipping over the blue flames until eventually she ended up face to face with the dragon. Myar could feel the breath of the dragon, a breath so cold, it froze the tips of her hair. The two stared intently into eachother's eyes and shared a moment of deep silence. The dragon purred. [i]'Hello, young one. I am Iyrades, a Daughter of the Winter lands.'[/i] She spoke in a soft, tender voice. Myar reached out and rested her hand between the dragon's eyes. Her scales were surprisingly smooth and slightly cold to the touch. Upon contact, Myar's mind was flooded with Iyrades' past: her birth, her training with Merrik, playing with her brothers and sisters, and then the anticipation before meeting her tamer. In return, Myar's memories were shared with Iyrades. Myar smiled from the feeling of the bonding, a sense of belonging that she'd been missing her entire life. [i]'I feel you are troubled. Why is it that I cannot access your past?'[/i] Iyrades asked her patiently. [b]“Even you cannot tap into something that has been lost from my memory.”[/b] She spoke softly. [I]'I cannot access your childhood. You were lost then. Separated from your family and forced to take care of yourself.'[/i] [b]“Lost, yes. I do not remember how or why. But now...”[/b] she paused, [b]“Now I am found. [i]You[/i] found [i]me[/i].”[/b]