Jared sat inside the carriage, looking out of the window absently as it rocked back and forth gently. He had eventually fallen asleep inside and when the carriage came to a stop he found himself leaning against the window drooling in his sleep. He sat upright and wiped his face on his sleeve as he looked out the window of his carriage to see the school grounds and he smiled so widely that his cheeks started to hurt. He was finally here. As the skeleton opened the door to his carriage a small brown hare bolted out of the small gap and began running laps around the small area where the carriages were parked and the teachers, except for Alan, stood waiting to greet them. Jared could barely contain his excitement as he ran in circles around the grounds, running between the teachers' feet and under the carriages. Finally he grew bored of running and leaped into the air, his form becoming distorted until he was a crow, flying in circles above everyone's heads until it came back down and perched itself on top of a carriage before distorting yet again and becoming a young Native American teen with long, dark hair dressed casually in a grey T-shirt and blue jeans sitting on the roof of the carriage and beaming at everyone that looked his way.