Suto decided to let his whining die down, it wasn't doing him any favors. Besides, it wasn't like him, normally he was as energetic as they came. Forcing himself to pep up he slapped his cheeks a few times for good measure, putting on a wide smile before falling in line behind the others. A party off five strong, each capable in their own right, there was no reason for concern during this expedition. That mindset helped bring his mood up to its usual brim, and with a small chuckle he folded his hands behind his head as they strolled along. "I guess killing a few monsters will help wake me up," he mused, talking to no one in particular. Besides, he could really use a bit more Col to pad his pitiful wallet. Should he want to do anything at all this evening he'd certainly need more funds, as parties had a tendency to get expensive fast. He could swear the NPCs were savvy to what was going on and raised their prices during those special occasions. Either that, or just as likely he got carried away with what he bought. From the homely atmosphere of Caldwell they stepped into the dense, muggy thickets that enveloped much of the floor. They had come in here a few times already since reaching this floor and so much of the area was familiar. As such it came as very little surprise when they deviated from the path for a more rugged approach to their training. The jungles weren't terribly filled with players right now, but that could change in a matter of moments. If enough people came then the spawns of monsters would be camped and farmed, leaving very little for them to fight. It only made sense that they slink off to some distant reach of the area then, somewhere they could train at their leisure. Suto zoned back in when Yari began to speak, seeing that both she and Fitch had gotten ready. On that note he debated for a moment before bringing up his inventory, opting to use his dagger rather than go bare-handed as he tended to. Upon equipping the item an amber colored sheath appeared, strapped to his right leg just above the knee and resting along the side. Reaching down he blindly drew the small blade from its sheath, glancing down at it with a satisfied smile. It wasn't anything spectacular, a basic dagger with a slightly curved point at the end, but it was HIS. It had been bought with a bit of money he'd managed to gather, and the fact in of itself he'd purchased it made the simple instrument rather special. Tossing it up he snatched the handle, keeping it at his side and ready for use. "Wide awake Yari, and ready to make some Col!" Suto declared, grinning cheerfully. Maybe if they got lucky they'd get enough to have a nice full meal tonight too, that would be just delightful. "The buddy system, good idea." Luna stated, nodding to herself. So long as she wasn't paired with Suto she didn't care who she should go with. Not only did she not agree with him the majority of the time, but their working together seemed a touch redundant. Both were DPS and overall not terribly durable, she had to admit. As Suto had done she brought up her menu, scrolling through and equipping her weapons. A small pouch materialized on her waist, and inside were her tools of trade, throwing knives. Resisting the compulsive desire to count them she gave the container a satisfied pat, smiling to herself. Sooner or later she hoped to master medicine mixing to make extra use of her items. The idea of being able to paralyze or poison monsters with a single strike was oddly satisfying, and certainly granted her more use in combat. "Do we have teams in mind already? It would be best to sort that out now rather than in the heat of the moment, wouldn't you agree?" She'd never say it, but Luna could already guess that Fitch and Yari would be working together, as always. It didn't seem fair to her the more capable two worked hand in hand constantly, but it was below her to complain about it openly. "Dibs on working with Fitch!" Suto shouted, giving a soft "ow" as Luna thwacked him on the back of the head. "Don't scream! Do you want everything in this place to hear us?" Luna chastised, narrowing her eyes. Suto shook his head in response, giving the spot he'd been hit a ginger rubbing. Once more Luna went back to paying him little mind, much to his relief. With a small smile he looked ahead at his two friends, giving them an inquisitive stare. "Are we even splitting up? I don't see why we would, staying together should work just as well..."