"Wonderful' Aira replied, as she walked towards her alchemy lab. She reached into her robes and grabbed a key and unlocked her lab and relocked it from the inside behind them. "Sorry for having to lock the door, I just can't have people stumbling in and knocking something over or something. It is quite easy to mistake one room for another in a castle this big." she said. The room was covered in shelves and shelves of different veils which held many different multicolored liquids. Each one having a small label saying something to the like of "Pt56, or Ps103." and many different things. In the center of a room, there was a large cauldron with a small metallic box with fire wood in it. Aira shuffled over to a desk and started to sort some of the papers that were thrown about it. "So, how do you feel about the nobles of Guardia's mainlands."