Given the silence, it was easy for Toshiko to tell that no-one had any further questions at the moment. With a nod, Toshiko turned to the door. "In that case, let's get going." Toshiko headed out the door. Outside, the sky was the same utterly dreary grey it had been the whole day. It was rather dismal, but Toshiko wasn't really one to care too much about the weather in most cases. At worst, this made it somewhat more difficult to cast certain spells, if they were necessary. But for the most part, Toshiko's flames were fed with her mana, as opposed to the normal sources. Water was usually not an issue. She was far more concerned with the job. Success dictated whether or not she got paid, after all. The item was likely supernatural in some way, though that suspicion was so-far unconfirmed. The only real way to uncover the truth was to get it out of the victims or to find the item itself. The method of theft... now there was a difficult one. Not a single spell disrupted, no-one in the house alerted at all? She suspected plenty of the alert spells targeted the other branches of the Daidouji family... though for the moment, that was an educated assumption. She needed to investigate to find the real truth. Toshiko walked over to her car. It was a large vehicle, a dull red van. Hardly the most impressive car, but it did its job. She needed to get places, it got her to those places. There was enough room for most of her employees... though fitting all could be a bit of a tight fit. It would fit Jun and Hanako, as well. This wasn't a violent case, so bringing them could be useful. She'd keep them safe, regardless. Toshiko pulled open the door to her van. "Alright, everyone, climb in. We've got a case to solve." There was a worrying absence that many of the new employees would not be aware of. Toshiko had no driver's license.