[center] [img]http://wallpapersmap.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Beautiful-Anime-Girl.jpg[/img] [b]N[/b]ame: Reyna [b]A[/b]ge: 16 [b]C[/b]reature: A half Siren half Skin-Walker. Her powers include being able to shift into any creature, when singing she can control water and can seduce others efficiently, she can also calm them. She can breathe underwater and has a connection with the Greek river deity. She is also able to take animals characteristics and use them. Her limit is not being able to become another human of course. [b]Q[/b]uote: "[i]What I find strange is that people love me, everywhere I go people stop to swoon. Horrible isn't it?[/i]" [b]C[/b]haracteristics: Strong, naturally beautiful, wise, sometimes animistic, agile, and instinctive. [b]B[/b]ack Story: Reyna was the child of an loving Skin-Walker and a beautiful Siren, as a child the Skin-Walkers of her town would stare at her and grimace as if she was a mistake. These things changed though when she started to grow up, it was hard for people to stay away from her as she literally started glowing from the supernatural beauty of her mother's side. Boys swarmed her and so did most girls, she ran away from it though, ashamed by her own past and looking for a new place. Eventually she found the school for others like her...that was going to be fun. [i][u]One Year Later[/i][/u] As she exited her dorm she was crowded by new students who didn't know any better. It was a rush of excitement and terror at the same time as she was praised and even sang for some, that was how far she had gone. From never being able to use her powers in fear of pain, to having the right to show off. [/center]