So yeah, Digimon is an online virtual reality game, in which you get to interact with monsters, life-like NPC's, and even other players. Eventually. Once the game is released. Still in its testing stage, several beta players are currently playing some preliminary missions and tasks, making sure there aren't any terrible glitches or something. Because no one wants bugs in their VR games, right? They should be finalising the testing around now, so not much left to test before the game becomes a best-selling phenomenon. With any luck! And of course, there totally won't be a nasty surprise awaiting the beta players. Because the programmers didn't put one in, and it's not like a game can code up some unknown monstrosity all by itself or something. That'd be silly. ---------------- And with that quick intro out of the way,,, yeah, Digimon: Online Edition. Before anyone makes the comparison, yes, I came up with this RP years before I'd heard of SAO. The basic idea is that a bunch of beta testers are pretty much finalising the tests before public release, when something strange occurs and they can't seem to log out. Meanwhile, the Digimon in-game seem strangely life-like for scripted entities. And so, the players must find a way to escape back to their world, and maybe figure out what exactly happened in the process. [s]These strange glitches have even caused Leomon to not die! That's bad things have gotten![/s] So, any interest?