A boy relaxed in the shade of one of the bigger trees in the area, though he was seemingly young enough and just far enough away from the more civilized areas of Museum Island that the sight of him was probably unusual based solely on the fact that he wasn't screaming for help or crying instead. There were actually several more unusual things about the napping boy, if anyone bothered to look closely enough. He was tanned enough to potentially pass for some sort of jungle native, but underneath several layers of grime he was apparently wearing what had been a white T-shirt at one time and a slightly torn up pair of what looked like blue jeans. Even more confusing was that despite the tropical heat, close examination would show that he was lying on a long jacket that had been spread out on the ground over a pile of leaves as a makeshift mattress. If only because of its bright color, the metallic blue crutch leaning against the roots of the tree was probably the most notable thing to anyone watching. After a while the boy propped himself up against the tree, grabbed onto the crutch to haul himself up, then used it to pick up his jacket and shake it with an odd sort of flicking motion, in case anything else had thought it was a good place to nap. Then he put it back on despite the heat and started limping his way slowly toward the inhabited parts of the island, eyes sweeping the ground and the canopy but otherwise seemingly taking a cheery stroll through the jungle. His parents always did pick the best vacations.