The carriage ride was a generally unpleasant one for the Imp. Between all the other entities next to him, and how small it was, by the end of the ride he was starting to feel claustrophobic. Add to the fact that he couldn't breathe much, lest he fill up the cabin with smoke. As soon as the driver opened the door, he bolted out, thankful to finally have some room. A plume of tar black smoke escaped him as he was able to start breathing normally again, and stand to his full seven feet even. "Finally." He commented, not showing any interest in the building itself, but the other students climbing out of the rides. He was sizing them up, seeing what his competition would be to be dominant. Of course, Masilalt knew he couldn't judge solely on appearance. Many of the students probably knew some form of magic, and weren't to be messed with. But his judgement gave him good expectations, if not a bit disappointing that there wouldn't be much of a fight. Next, he was to take a look at any of the teachers present. Now he wouldn't be stupid enough to get in a physical fight with them, but he did want to see what he would be getting himself into. Finally feeling content with his first impressions, he straightened out his wraps and cracked the few knuckles that he had left in his hands.