[quote=Rune_Alchemist] Eh, not mine.No, twilight isn't eitherOr any of the other mane six xPHonestly, From what little I've read of FoE, little pip bores me as a main character. I suppose that's just me though since everyone else seems to like it :/ [/quote] You needed to read on further. I'll admit the beginning of the field is sort of slow and lost. But for the most part so does the start of Fallout 3. The fun shit builds up as it goes along. Or of course you could read the most controversial - but no worse - Project Horizons which starts the fun shit off the bat. And it's a wild ride from there. [hider=As illustrated without major spoilers][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/136/9/c/into_blackjack__s_mind_6_by_yagyag-d4zzctc.png[/img][/hider]