Name: Maia Pharr Age(human years): 15 Character(You CAN be a human, if you want...): Demon and Fallen Angel's offspring Description (An image is STRONGLY)encouraged): [img=] Quote(something your character would say): "It's not my fault I can't fly." Characteristics: Normally very quiet. She is gentle to children that are less fortunate than her. Otherwise, she acts cold and indifferent to others. She hates physical contact and needs to be isolated from the other students at night. Backstory: Maia was raised in a dark heaven. She was treated like a saint, a princess. It all had a price. Every night, she laid whimpering at night, hearing her dad eating the souls of his victims. Because of him, she has a slight disliking toward demons. Her mother was often out, seducing men in order to fulfill her husband's desires. Every day, her resentment built. Finally, Maia broke. Packing her bags, she left the house, hearing her mother's haunting voice echoing in the wretched mansion. Sobbing on the streets, she was picked up by a kind couple who were curious of her red eyes and silver hair. As Maia explained her situation, her foster parents nursed her until she was 15 before sending her to a school where she belongs. Her best subjects are Music, as she has a hauntingly beautiful voice, and Science, as she is used to seeing dissections. Her worst subject is Fighting. She doesn't like to bother people, and will only talk to people who approaches her first. ---- Year 2: Instead of living by herself, she is now sharing a room with Rorschach. She is wishing for a successful and less eventful year.