[CENTER] <[b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/29549/posts/ooc?page=1#post-851071]Sheets[/url][/b]> [IMG]http://media.vorotila.ru/ru/items/t1@f6d942ae-9377-4ec0-a9d5-15687cf870dd/X-Wing--Krestokryl.jpg[/IMG] [I]X-wing in combat, Galactic Civil War[/I][/CENTER] [B]TL;DR Summary:[/b] [indent] - Star Wars, 0BBY (Before Battle of Yavin, or that is to say -- Episode IV) - Characters are pilots in Intruder Squadron, an X-wing Squadron - Intruder Squadron is stationed on the Audacious, a republic-era [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Venator-class_Star_Destroyer]Venator-Class Star Destroyer[/url] and the flagship of the 6th Roving Line, an Alliance naval formation tasked with supporting Rebel Alliance operations in the general vicinity of the [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091207040151/starwars/images/d/dd/TheOuterRim.jpg]Hydian Way and the Perlemian Trade Route[/url], vital Imperial supply lines into the Outer Rim. - Most of the characters are rookies. The Audacious is an older ship that's been refitted and put into service with the Alliance. Intruder Squadron is just formed. - There is a plot; a secret weapon being tested in the Outer Rim and the 14th Roving Line, that means the Audacious and specifically the Intruders, being put on the mission. - Please be sure to post character sheets in the [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/29549/posts/ooc?page=1#post-851071]Sheet Thread.[/url] [/indent] [B]In Character Info:[/b] [indent][I]The Republic has fallen and the Empire has risen in its place, having undermined and manipulated its way into power -- what seemed rational and logical turned out to be a manipulation. The Jedi are gone, the law no longer protects and the military no longer defends. The Empire has turned everything into an instrument of oppression under the New Order. Still, there has always been resistance, even through the dark times. The young take up the fight against the tyranny, filling the ranks of the opposition to the Empire with a generation that does not justify the Empire by claiming that the Republic was more corrupt, worse and so forth. Some are idealists, others have their backs to the wall. The Empire creates its enemies -- the harder it squeezes, the more people consider banding together against the Empire. And now the Empire's enemy has a name The nascent Rebel Alliance is generally unable to mount more than harassing attacks against the much larger Galactic Empire, but it has the advantage of surprise -- the Empire has to defend the entire Empire, whereas the Rebels can disperse their forces and often can strike where they care to, though if they are caught in one place too long, they are crushed. And yet, the Alliance gathers its strength, it sends out diplomats to seek out groups that oppose the Empire, to band them together. But in order to do that, someone has to carry on the fight, to show that the Alliance is serious. That is, of course, the job of the Audacious and the job of Intruder Squadron, a new squadron equipped with the brand new X-wing fighter. [/I][/indent] [B]Out of Character Info:[/b] [indent]In a sense, the RP is about the squadron and its members, a bit more military in the Star Wars universe than people are accustomed to. At the same time, the Rebel Alliance's pilots are not straight military types, but rather have experience from a diversity of backgrounds. Some may be veterans of the Clone Wars, some may be farm boys, others may be smugglers but they all have their reasons to fight the Empire. Most of the characters are rookies; Intruder squadron and the rest of the Audacious' complement and crew, are still shaking down and training; the pilots passed through flight training and so forth, but their education is being completed in the squadron they will see service with. Of course, as the plot goes, the line, the ship and the squadron will be thrown into the fight before they're as seasoned as, say, a TIE fighter unit might be. Desperate days for the Alliance. I have a specific timeline in mind for this RP, and an enemy that the characters will be up against. They'll be on the hunt ("Venator" means "hunter" in Latin, so it's appropriate) for an experimental weapon being tested by the Empire. There will probably be a dark jedi as well. Casual standards apply, but I absolutely insist that people have to use their spell-check and grammar check. I'm not trying to be offensive, I'm just stating from the outset that I want people to make the effort to use punctuation, capitalization and so forth.[/indent]