Scenario #13 Unable to find even a fleeting modicum of peace since Kyo's return to the Academy, Carolyn nervously paced up and down the hallway outside the Black Mage Guild's assembly hall where breakfast was taking place, the completion of her duties meaning that the only task on hand was to wander aimlessly and cogitate on the terrible decision she was making or would make. They had all heard the man, loud and clear. As brutal as the murder had been, there would be many (including the vindictive side of Carolyn) who would find joy in the dispatching of an anti-wanderer murderer, child-killer and rapist. On the other hand, Kyo had committed one of the same acts that the victim had been condemned for. Even more saliently, the taking of another's life suggested that Kyo was not mentally stable. What if he lost his way again? Would he end up hurting someone inside the Academy?Would that blood be on her hands? Carolyn stopped and leaned against the cold, marble wall. The chills that shot up her spine did not stem from the temperature of the wall, unfortunately, but from another maddening question. [i]What if he didn't[/i] hurt anybody? Reporting the severity of his crime would surely lead to him being imprisoned and the already fragile reputation of the Academy would be tarnished. And what if Alvarez deemed the timing of her admission as unacceptable? Would she lose her prefect badge or, even worse, be expelled from the Academy? All of these questions swirled through her mind like a destructive torrent of misery, vaporising any shred of optimism. Carolyn was in a dire situation and, for the first time in her life, she had absolutely no idea what to do.