Ewan did not have a particularly eventful ride. For most of the ride he just had his headphones on, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKUhPlE_ZD4]music[/url] blaring as to not really take in the rest of the things that rode with him. He didn't exactly feel social during the ride, though he knew that at some point he would have to make friends. He didn't want to be friendless again and this would probably be better for him anyway. Others that had powers that weren't natural just like him, what could really go wrong. As the carriage came to a halt and the rest of the variety of creatures made their way out of the vehicle as quickly as they could, Ewan took his time. His bag was still on the seat so he attempted to levitate it over to himself. After a few seconds of effort with no results her sighed and just picked it up. As he stepped out of the carriage he levitated a pack of cigarettes out of his bag and into his hand. He opened the top with his hands before levitating a single cigarette out and between his lips. He placed the box back in his bag before bringing his hand up to the cigarette. He snaps his fingers and a spark is lit, the tip of his finger flaming he uses it to light the cigarette before extinguishing his finger. He takes a long draw from the cigarette and steps in with the others that had gathered there before pushing some of his long hair out of his eyes.