[i]"Damnit!"[/i] a man half-yelled throughout the camp. As Fuaad and Jake would look to see who made the noise, they'd see a man jogging towards them. He looked like he'd seen better days... And cleaner. His beard was pretty thick, and so was his voice. He had a scandinavian accent as he spoke, once he got close enough. [i]"You there, you two! I need your help. I would ask if you're up for it but you haven't really pulled your weight yet since you arrived, so I'm just gonna put this task right on you."[/i] The two would recognize this man as Jonathan Melin, the acting leader of Dalston Camp. [i]"We are in dire need of supplies. Medical supplies and tools, or parts, anything. I need you to follow the track south toward Hoxton stop, there's a wrecked traincart there. If we're lucky, it has the parts we need. I need cable, any solid containers and ANY electric equipment you can find, even if it's half a fried curcuit."[/i] Jonathan stopped for a moment to take a breath, as he seemed stressed out. Seeming calmer, he spoke again. [i]"From what I've heard, you two have handled yourself well before you came here so I'm confident you're ablebodied for the task. If you do this for Dalston Camp, we'll accept you as part of the community and share our supplies with you. If you're staying, that is. Deal?"[/i] Looking at the two, a skinny woman taps his shoulder from behind. Her hair is bright white, no doubt an effect of radiation, and she's tiny, probably no more than 16 years old. Most of her face is covered with a scarf. [i]"Jon, we need you back at the supplyboxes."[/i] she said, a stern look in her eyes. Jonathan nods, and turns to leave. [i]"Make haste, you two. This is of dire importance."[/i] Will you make the deal? [hider=picture of JJonathan][img]http://www.zombie-guide.com/wp-content/uploads/zombie-survivor.jpg[/img][/hider]