Ryan had been called into Alannah's office, along with a few of the other veteran scouting legion members, and one garrison veteran. It seemed somewhat odd, but there were supposed to be some new recruits that would be choosing their branches soon. He entered the room with the others, waiting to hear what all of this was about. As she said what generally was going on, he frowned, [i]I have to train three to be as good as me...?[/i] He sighed quietly to himself before shrugging and standing there. "Just one, of course it'll be after they choose which branch they'll be in, but when will we be told who's going to be weighing us dow- I mean, holding us ba- I mean training under us?" He half-smirked to himself, having intentionally said each word. He wasn't serious of course, training them would only be good in the end, but for now, they were going to be weak, and so he would make that weakness a bit of a joke. --- Alison sat near the posts that had the stationary 3d maneuver gear (the ones where you practice balance and if you can't stay up on them, you're sent back). After that initial test of balance, this seemed to be her favorite place in the camp, because of the nostalgic feel she got every time she came back. She smiled as she looked at the balance tests, remembering back to their first few days there. "I guess I won't be seeing this place again, no matter how harsh it was, it was fun, in a way." She stood up, walking towards one of them and looking at it. "I guess it sounds kind of mean, but I hope that people forget about this place soon..." She knew what she meant of course, it wasn't her trying to say that she hoped humanity died off, or that they made a new training ground... She hoped that this war with titans ended, so that people wouldn't have to die, or get hurt anymore. She beamed at the thought of a peaceful life. [i]Graduation is today... Trying to join the Military Police won't help anyone... The Garrison seems a bit too protected as well... The Scouting Legion is where I belong... I wonder where Dante and Kevin plan on going? I hope it's somewhere safer than where I'm going...[/i] She looked to the ground as she thought over what might happen. What could very well happen... [i]If we all join the Scouting Legion, we'll probably all die... At least it's not someone else instead of me. I really hope they live through this at least.[/i] She smiled to herself as she thought, continuing to look at the ground.