[center][b][u]Empires, Kingdoms, and their Courts[/u][/b][/center] [b][i]Empire of Terlayne[/i][/b] [indent]The Empire has existed for roughly five centuries. Born from the ashes of dead and dying kingdoms, with the aid of the Mihra it formed itself largely peacefully. The two hundred years' war had taken it's toll, entire generations had lived and died knowing only bloodshed and destruction. The peace that the Mihra and the first emperor, Bith'as, offered was not easily refused. Kingdoms weakened to near extinction submitted quickly. Of those who resisted, most were laid to complete ruin, others reluctantly bent their knees when it was clear it was that or certain death. The Bithom family, has ruled from Terlay without interruption since the last peace accord was signed. Terlay inheritances are rarely messy affairs. The family tree is carefully maintained and updated, the order of inheritance clearly dictated. Family strife has touched successions from time to time, but the Mihra advisers have always been able to quell the angst before word could spread far or have armies raised. Twenty-three years ago, the old emperor passed and his second eldest son succeeded him. The eldest had long been presumed dead after a mission to cross the great ocean in search of other lands and peoples. A fool's mission and a worrisome one to all aware of it. Should the elder return, it would be the gravest danger to Terlay's ruling stability in many years. It has been nearly forty years since the day he left port with one hundred and fifty men. His brother, undisturbed in his reign, has finally begun to relax. At 67 himself, his elder brother would be nearly 75, a rare likelihood that he would return home now - or that even should he, that he would be able to muster an army to take what was his. Terlay is the largest city of the empire. The outlying areas are fertile, hundreds of towns, villages, and hamlets feed the city and its population. It has thriving industries - textile, printing, jewelry - the artisan class does well for itself here and draws thousands of hopefuls from smaller cities and the rural areas. At it's heart, the imperial palace rises from a man-made hill. Walled off from the common city, the palace - a network of castles really - houses much of the imperial family, their retainers, and visiting dignitaries. [u]The Court:[/u][list] [*]Emperor Lerrin, fourth of his name, Lord of Terlay, Protector of Terlayne, Order Blessed[/*] [*]Empress Tanthia, Lady of Terlay, Princess of _______, Order Blessed[/*] [*]Imperial Prince, Marric, Heir Apparent and his family: Marric's wife, one son and three daughters[/*] [*]Lerrin IV's two other sons remain in Terlay with their families, as well as a scattering of extended family members not given small holds of their own to maintain[/*] [*]Ral Dondillo, Mihra adviser to the court with a retinue of five Val'Mihra[/*][/list] Although the Terlayne Empire covers a vast continent, the peoples are not one assimilated culture. The client kingdoms pay their taxes and bend their knees, but beyond that, are largely left to their own devices to rule as they wish. The sole caveat being that Order must be followed. The kingdoms have retained their own customs and languages, although a common tongue exists and is used with frequency for the sake of trade, travel, and governance. Several outposts exist across the land, reminders of who the ultimate authority is, held by small battalions. [/indent] [b][i]Ylavin[/i][/b] [indent]The capital city of the Mihra, and the second largest city in Terlayne. Whereas most cities, no matter the planning put into them, grow haphazardly, Ylavin is immaculate in its execution. At the direct center of the city rises a tall, slender tower of gleaming white. Concentric rings of roads emanate out of the central plaza, connected by the straightest roads found in the empire, like spokes on a wheel. Large as it may be, it is also widely regarded as the safest city in the land. Fear of sinning so closely to Mihra as well as rampant rumors on what sort of magic is done to violators keeps the petty, opportunistic criminals away. When crimes are committed, the city guards known as Vigilants, are swift to act and bring the perpetrator to justice. Nestled in the foothills of the Azhorhai Mountains and fed by cool streams, it is a prime location. The city was nearly entirely built up by the Mihra centuries ago after the war had ended. A city did exist in this location previously, reminders of its existence can be found in the sewers beneath the streets or sometimes in a cellar. Little is known about the city or the kingdom it belonged to. It had been one of the early losses in the war, nearly 200 years before the Mihra claimed it for themselves. [u]The Court:[/u] [list][*]Jhae Nerito: 64 year old man, held the position of Jhae for 12 years. Elected by the Nhae from the rank of Ral, a position held for 24 years. It is said the Jhae has a Talent, an ability to shield physical blows at great detriment to his body. Rumors are that though his mind is as fit as in his youth, his body appears to be that of a man 30 years older - frail and decrepit.[/*] [*]Nhae Melynea: 59 year old woman, held the position of Nhae for 6 years, appointed by her fellows upon the passing of her predecessor, after 15 years as a Ral serving the emperor in Terlay. No Talent.[/*] [*]Nhae Donovar: 66 year old man, held the position of Nhae for 13 years. Previously lead the Mihra's efforts to purge any and all cults from the land. Oversaw at least a dozen small purges during his leadership. No Talent.[/*] [*]Nhae Selles: 52 year old man and youngest of the Nhae. Appointed less than a year ago and coming straight from the ranks of the Val, his appointment ruffled some feathers. Previously worked with Donovar as well as many years spent in the "court" of the desert nomads.[/*] [*]Nhae Kaenna: 76 year old woman, a member of the Nhae for 17 years. Frequently called to Terlay to speak for the Jhae. A distant cousin to the emperor. No Talent.[/*] [*]Nhae Jaqarro: 63 year old man, a member of the Nhae for 4 years. Previously a member of the Ral that oversaw recruitment of the Sul and a longtime mentor to the Val. A common background for one member of the Nhae to hold - a connection to who is joining their Order.[/*] [*]Nhae Mylle: 71 year old woman, a member of the Nhae for 9 years. Previously a member of the Ral that collected and organized information on all the current Mihra with Talents. Also possesses a Talent - the ability to sense a Talent in others, at cost to her own eyesight. Mylle lost all sense of sight a decade ago, her eyes then beginning to decay in their sockets until nothing remained and her Talent seemingly extinguished.[/*] [*]Nhae Arnet: 65 year old man, a member of the Nhae for 7 years. Previously a member of the Ral, Mihra head of the Ylavin city Vigilants. No Talent.[/*][/list][/indent]