You are a new student at St. Vincent College, and you're ready to learn. Only problem: You're super gay. It's not really a problem, per say, it just changes how you're viewing your college experience, because having a roommate is gonna be hella hard. Or hella not hard. College life is an enigma. Luckily, there's an LGBT support group at your school. This is just what a scared little gay-ass freshman needs: scared little gay-ass friends...or so you thought. Some of these people are pretty hot. ------------------ RULES: Basic rules of the roleplayer guild apply. You can be any sexuality/gender/whatever that you want. Take any sexual "actions" to PM. Ain't nobody wanna see that. HAVE FUN! :D Character Sheet: Name: Age: Year(Like Freshman, etc.): Major: Gender: Sexuality: Are you Out?(Y/N): Hair color: Eye color: (Anything else you want to add): My Character: Name: Mia Donatelli Age: 18 Year(Like Freshman, etc.): Freshman Major: Computer Science Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Are you Out?(Y/N): Y Hair color: Dark Brown Eye color: Hazel Blue/Green (Anything else you want to add): She's got the curliest hair you have ever seen. Her favourite things to do include singing, playing guitar, playing video games, and drawing. She doesn't really like sports. She's an extremely impatient person. She doesn't like people that much, so joining a support group like this is a big deal for her. She has a bright bubbly personality once you get to know her, and can actually be pretty funny when she decides to speak. She gets excited over tiny little things like eating a chocolate bar. She's a vegetarian. She meditates every night, and does yoga every morning.She reallllly likes girls. And red heads.