Hi guys. I have a busy week but the OOC should be up soon, and by the time sheets have been submitted and reviewed my schedule will be completely empty. (Hello, 5 month break! Gotta love university.) I will, as promised, post the OOC here. Although, I should warn you that the name of the academy will be changing. I had intended the name Faraway as just a general surname (FA-RA-WAY), but I was browsing my Facebook yesterday and saw a post using the term 'faraway' (FAR-AWAY), as in to go someplace 'faraway'. I had not made this connection at all and now I can't overlook it, haha. But the premise of the RP will remain the same. Thanks for the overwhelming interest. I can only hope the quality of character sheets matches the collective enthusiasm. I will try not to keep you waiting for too long.