An elderly women hung by her fragile looking wrists from metal cuffs that dug into her flesh, causing circular red marks to appear on her pale flesh. She appeared lifeless, feeble, and wrinkly, clothed only in a severely tattered white dress that had evidently seen better days. White hair messily hung down to conceal her face as her head fell limply down to the ground. The cell was damp and dark but not completely so. A small magically fueled lantern hung above her and each of the other occupants in adjacent cells, and there was a dim light coming from the end of the hallway off to her left where a door led outside of this prison room. What appeared to be the lifeless body began to stir as her head was lifted. Fierce green eyes opened, glaring up at the cuffs that bound her. "How pathetic, that I can't even age such brittle bindings," she thought to herself in distaste. The magical poison that had been injected into her body severely limited her power and was showing no signs of getting out of her system. There was only one man she knew of who had magic powerful enough to effect her to such a degree. The Unnamed Wizard. That blasted old man had somehow gotten the better of her while she was off guard. Now it hurt to think and she couldn't wind back time any further then when she woke up in this cell as she has done just now. All of her other powers were faded to the point of uselessness besides one, and that was adjusting time on her body, but only once. Well, at least once every time she wound time back to this point. That was all she was able to find out about her predicament so far. That and she couldn't get past even the first guard when she tried to escape by herself, a tall, pale, humanoid beast who was always standing there, watching ceaselessly for signs of escape. She kept having to go back in time to the safety of her cell to avoid getting killed. One measly guard. She could have killed him with hardly even a thought before, but as she was now it was impossible for her. To be fair, the average human would be killed by him for sure, so it was not just her own shortcomings. In fact she didn't know of many who could be able to do it. And there was sure to be many more monsters and traps awaiting after that. These newcomers...did they have what it takes? Should she bother freeing them? She supposed that there was no other options for her, as much as she'd hate to admit it and have to swallow her pride. If she were to get out of here, wherever here was, so would they. She let out a cold sigh. Then there was an odd sort of movement taking place on her body, as if her body was made out of water and was rippling at a disturbance moving across the water's surface. Her body shrunk considerably, wrinkles turned into smooth skin, dried hair becoming more youthful. After a couple of seconds the old women had now turned into a girl of around 10 years old, still in her tattered dress that reached down just below her knees in her current state. She grimaced as she wiggled her hands around within her bindings, drawing blood as they began to squeeze out. One last pull and she was in freefall for half a second, plopping onto the ground below her with a splash as she hit stagnant water that had collected within her cell from leaks in the walls and ceiling. She did a couple casual stretches before squeezing once more between the bars of her cell. The cells magically formed with the dimensions to keep their specific occupant inside. It appeared like the Unnamed Wizard underestimated her ability to still make use of some of her powers. For all of his vast genius he sure made some ridiculously simple miscalculations in his arrogance. She laughed under her breath at his incompetence, but then remembered that he had still managed to catch her, the most powerful time witch in existence. That soured her mood back once again to her normal stoic expression. She glanced to her left. Behind the large, heavy door was that monster, but he never seemed to react until she was leaving through it. That should allow her to get everyone out and ready to storm his position all at once. She scooped the cell keys off of the ring near the door and made her way up to each cell that held a prisoner. What an odd assortment of men this wizard had collected. She would ask them all this question and release them if they said yes, "I shall lead an escape from this dungeon and you shall accompany me. If you follow my every command and ensure my safe passage then I will make sure that you shall live once I escape and regain my powers. Is this satisfactory to you?"