[center][img]http://data1.whicdn.com/images/48607431/adorable-amazing-anime-art-Favim.com-500965_large.jpg[/img] ~Stands at 4'9~ ~Name~ Karou Thiago ~Age~ 16(Mental age- 9) ~Gender~ Female ~Personality~ Karou rarely talks and if she does it's either something Mary has "told" her to say or her own words but in a very quiet voice. Karou really only talks to Mary or to Garry. She avoids people she doesn't know and if they approach her she runs away. She is very kind and gentle and likes helping people. She can be startled or scared quite easily and she doesn't like being grabbed suddenly or loud noise. She is terrified of thunderstorms and hates violence/fighting. ~Ability~ Illusion Manipulation ~Drawbacks~ She can not separate reality from her illusions and she gets random nose-bleeds and severe headaches: both of which she says happens because Mary is punishing her for something she did. ~Bio~ Karou was orphaned by her mother, who abandoned her because she never wanted a daughter in the first place. Karou used to be a bright and bubbly girl but after the experimentation she went through she drew in on herself and began "speaking" through a doll she found one day. ~Other~ She has a doll called Mary. Mary does all the talking, Karou just repeats what she "says": [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/190/b/b/fan_art_ib_game_by_sayamamai-d56nrst.jpg[/img] She also has an imaginary friend called Garry(one of her illusions), who Karou likes but Mary hates: [img]http://a66c7b.medialib.glogster.com/skittyis2cute/media/bb/bbe3f98b82ad041ff920f4f82293d8d613474bf3/ib-garry-by-lorii-chan-d5be6io.png[/img][/center]