Thanks, babbysama. You are certainly welcome to join us! Shoot me a PM if you have any questions. Your signature cracked me up, by the way. EDIT: Decided to add this...just because. [hider=Boneworms]Bone Worms: Strange serpentine creatures, believed to originate from the Underweave. In their smallest stages, the Bone Worms are no larger than a common spider. They are gray in coloration, with a translucent, moist membrane serving as their skin. Through the skin, one can see that these creatures possess no bones themselves, only a series of veins and a few brownish lumps that serve as their vital organs. Their heads are often grotesque imitations of a human's face, gelatinous and drooping, with mouths that are ever agape. Though they possess no teeth, the Bone Worms are capable of vomiting an extremely potent acid to dissolve a hole the flesh of their foes. Yet it is not this caustic expulsion that most fear. Bone Worms earned their name from their penchant for assimilating and consuming bones...from the inside of their foe. They are renowned as burrowers and often attack the feet of their prey, or, barring that, they will attempt to enter through any uncovered part of the body. It is solely for this that the Bone Worms seem to exist. As their lifespans are naturally very long, some Bone Worms can grow to be as large as a house...and some, in the days of old, were rumored to have been taller than trees. Aside from their capability for growth, Bone Worms are highly intelligent, though incapable of verbally communicating if they are young. These strange creatures can also use dark and vile magics; it is believed that this is how they assimilate new bones into their bodies, once they have reached maturity. Older Bone Worms have been known to, instead of absorbing the fallen, reanimate their prey as undead servants. Through the assimilation of bones, Bone Worms become entirely different creatures; creating macabre shells from the remains of those they have slain. Often, the arrangement of the bones and the appearance of the Bone Worm will vary; ranging from fierce, giant monstrosities to the lithe and slick appearance of an undead dragon. They are given different names for their size, in different places, as they can be found throughout the world. In the north, the larger Bone Worms are simply called 'Ogres'. In the Hattavori Desert, where they are more common, they larger ones are called 'Bone Goblins'[/hider]