Elrithian still wore his proud face and his sister thought with disapproval that this was not a good time for him to be all stubborn, but the captain seemed to be giving him leave. He nodded and though out the appearance for a frightening monster they could appear to have summoned. He judged that would be as much, if not more attention grabbing than the previous plan. Elrithian accepted Zalrinu’s amulet with some surprise, and his expression softened a bit what seemed to be an act of kindness. He quickly dropped that face again though with the next words from the S’ithra. He didn’t know what the lizard meant with two deaths, and he was sure he didn’t want to, but he had caused enough trouble already, and accepted the amulet with nod and a correct thanks. Erahja followed the other two women up the stairs. The bandits seemed preoccupied and were looking the other way, making avoiding being seem by them considerably easier. She saw Rhaedin wave her forward from behind the counter in the tavern. She was more used to sneak over soft ground than on floors, but thought creeping around here was not that much different from hunting anyway, so keeping an eye on the bandits she followed, with little sound or worry. Well stationed with Rhaedin and Sevine, she waited for the signal to attack, which would probably start with seeing what her brother had come up with for distraction. The thing that Elrithian had come up with as a distraction appeared first as a magic circle on the floor, soon followed by a monster materializing in it. A very handy way to craft an illusion, he though, as a creature being summoned did not have to be perfectly clear immediately, and the bandits were not supposed to look at it carefully at it anyway, before being attacked by the rest of the troop. The creature was one of myth, one he had seen illustrated in books but believed was extinct if it ever existed at all, that he had chosen to make a more real interpretation of. It was fourlegged and scaly, with its frontlegs rising clearly higher than its back and ending in talons. It was just taller than a human, and considerably wider, with a sharp beak for a mouth. He could even give it a bit of a screeching noise and thought that this was probably more unnerving than one detached head, at least he hoped so as he was not touching the damned thing. Naturally he had to use two different spells for it, and was grateful for the amulet, without it he would probably not be of much further use after this.