Kitsune focused intently on Ryuunosuke while he was speaking; taking seriously that the man was telling him. As Ryuunosuke finished his words, Kitsune bowed and raised his head again. "I thank you for your kind words, Mitsumine-dono. Of course, I also thank you for acknowledging my request." Kitsune grinned as he pulled out his fan, and began to fan himself gently. "I also believe that strength isn't merely with the blade, but with the mind as well. I have been living with that idea for a while now. I studied parchment after parchment given to me by an ostracized medicine man. However, to be an.." Kitsune stammered as he had to speak a word which he never liked. "To be an heir of the Boar, one must not only be talented in strategies or decisions, but with the way of the sword as well. Mitsumine-dono, we can always say that the mind conquers the sword, but when push comes to shove, the sword will always be used." Kitsune exhaled as he began once more. "My clan has always believed in strength with the blade, and as such, will always prefer a strong person over a weak one. Our clan has been plagued with conflict, and due to this, the people has lost faith over diplomacy, and mercy has been seen as weakness. I think it was because of the strength of your clan that my father allied himself to you." Kitsune smiled as he shook his head. "I know that the ways of my clan is wrong, and once I take my father's place, I will better the clan. However, before my clan respects my vision, they must first respect my strength; as is the tradition." Kitsune sighed and cleared his throat. "Mitsumine-dono. Once again, thank you for your hospitality. Treat me as you would treat your guests. I shall carry my own weight, and I have given instructions to my retainers to undertake any task you might assign them to." Kitsune bowed as he stood up. "I hope to see your ascendance, Mitsumine-dono. You might be the one who can change this country." Kitsune smiled as he left the room where his retainers were waiting for him. "WHY ARE YOU SO WEAK?!" Akechi, one of his retainers, spoke in an angry whisper. "You never even told that Mitsumine that you are talented, and deadly. Medicines? Poisons? You're already an assassin, Hatamoto-san!" the retainer was pissed off. "You refused to raise your head in that conversation, Hatamoto-dono. At least show our pride as the Boar." Shibata added. "There is no need to brag of our abilities, Akechi-san, and Shibata-san. We are here as guests... Not as braggers. Come, we'll take a tour around the place before our work begins." Kitsune smiled gently as his retainers rolled their eyes in disappointment.