Savin wrenched Aeterna from an orks body, the dread form giving one last heave as the adamantium blade slid out from its back. The Planewalker gave a slight look of distaste at the black ichor dripping off of Aeterna's head, thankfully no-one could see it from beneath his hood. Wiping it off on the Ork's clothing Savin got the weapon sufficiently clean for now. He slammed its pole on the ground, closing the arms over the blade. He noticed Cryalis climbing down the tree and took a step back to allow her to speak without interruption. when she was finished he would step forward to also introduce himself. "I am Planewalker Savin, keeper of the Aeterna blade and warrior of the Vale." He looked at Cryalis "I am sorry, nut whatever magic pulled us here is one in the same. My home is the world of Nevisin, and nowhere have we heard of any Quelens Empire." He would turn his attention back to the elf and his soldiers "Now that we have given you the courtesy, would you be so kind as to give us your own names?" He looked around at each of the soldiers waiting for one of them to make a mistake.