Within a cave where poisonous waters fail to reach, a knight clad in golden armor, crafted to represent the visage of a lion, sits by a once powerful bonfire. The Dragonslayer, Ornstein, was reminiscing. In the past, he and the other knights of Gwyn had found themselves there in the poisonous swamp that is Blighttown. They were fighting the everlasting dragons within the valley of the Drakes. Oh, what times those had been! The Four knights of Gwyn, slayong dragons as comerades! Now one is dead, and the others are nowhere to be found. A beeping sound came from Ornstein's side. The device that was given to him by his new allies, was giving him a new assignment. It had said, "Requesting Back-up on Museum Island." Ornstein had learned that "back-up" was another way of saying "reinforcements." The others probably sent someone unprepared. Formerly being in an army, he knew that it was bound to happen sometime. He did not find it amazing that things were still so similar between different groups and people. Ornstein stood up, his armor shining from the light of the bonfire. He grasped his Spear in his right hand, and fiddled with the device in his left. out of pure habit, Ornstein gave a small, silent prayer before being teleported from his world to another. He found himself on Museum Island.