[quote=PrinceOfQuills] By the way, would there be a map to complement this RP? I plan on making my character originate from the forests or something similar, and I hate to be making up Forest A or Foothills B when they actually aren't existent or geographically accurate. Or at least, are there any forests/swamplands/places devoid of civilization nearby (by nearby I mean adequate distance so as not to be accidentally ventured upon) Merrifort? I mean, it would only be logical that a mage originated from outside the conventional civilizations.EDIT 2: Oh wait, mage tribes have been mentioned. [/quote] Hello, our resident cartographer and Lerayissian geography expert is here to answer questions. There is a map however I'm having issues adjusting it to the Dead Era, I only have A.F* and A.B* era maps finished. The two major forest areas are Laurosa and Vallake. Laurosa however is a port region along the coast and has trains running all through it, also the Vigil happens to be located there so it's highly unlikely any mages would be living there even if hidden away. The second major forests are in the mountainous region of Vallake, a former proud land with rich natural resources but after the Gods' death the Rahxbrant* moved south into the region as they cannot live in the Godwastes. As such, the region was mostly abandoned, the great underground cities left to decay and fall to ruin. I suggest if you don't want your mage being from the Godwastes, she could be from here though it's a dangerous area now. If she is from here, she will be looked upon as an outsider but far more welcomed than if she was from the Godwastes. The mage tribes are all from mostly either the Godwates or some, though very few that the Vigil cares about, from the Hattavori desert far to the south. [quote=babbysama] Thanks! If I have any questions I will definitely shoot you a message. Does anyone have any other character ideas? PrinceOfQuill's idea sounded great. I have a couple of things in mind, one of which is this archer/marksman type character from the steppes. I'd definitely like to see how magic works before that though. Love the setting, been looking for something this rich and unique to roleplay in, and love Planescape, so this is a perfect fit! [/quote] Worsenth, sometimes called Western Vallake is a flat plain that might fit what you want. It's a lush grassland though the further south one gets the more inhospitable it is as it touches the Hattavori desert. The local people are generally nomadic herders who have tamed the local horses or small towns dotted along who rely on supplies from the nomads or other areas of the country usually provided from way of Merrifort. --- A.F: After The Fall, the era in which Lady Yildeane started her uprising and killed the Gods. This era came about after a great war called "The Fall". A.B: Age of Blood. This was the era in which Pyrrian Transcripts took place. Ancient history now, it is sometimes called the Golden Age of Lerayis though it had little political stability and wars raged. This era was the longest in Lerayissian history and takes up several hundred years. Raxhbrant: Northern dragons who used to make their home in what is now the Godwastes. Large formidable creatures that are said to live to a thousand years and never stop growing.