Ah, sorry I was in the middle of answering babysama's questions before I could give the explanation of what my precious rahxbrant are. Simple enough, they're dragons. In Lerayis there are two different dragons, the northern and southern called rahxbrant and stritai. While both are dragons, they are two very different species in the same genus. Raxhbrant are the more traditional dragon. They are generally solitary creatures unless it is a mother with her young. They are incredibly territorial and with aberrant magic running amok, many have turned unpredictable even some pairing off. Formerly they were masters of magic, now with their patron God dead, few can breathe fire. Rahxbrant are large though some have become smaller to deal with their habitat change. Essentially, yeah they're dangerous and even an accomplished mage has trouble taking them down with their armor like scales. The existence of a small tribe is actually pretty good, especially if they kept to themselves. They won't have an easy life though. Harsh winters, flooding during summers, large animals having taken up home here to get away from the Godwastes and the rest of civilization especially those with connections to the Dead Gods. They won’t be alone and will still have to hide from the Vigil though, some trade routes still run through the land and some native people still live there. Vallakiens are horribly proud of their history and land. It's a wild land but, it is beautiful and probably the most prosperous place within the continent at this time. I might be a bit biased; Vallake is my creation and has a place in my heart. I will say though, the Vallakien rams, though large and stubborn, are delicious in a stew ;) Edit: I took awhile writing that up, oops. I'll keep it up anyway in case anyone wants to see me rant. I will be taking part, I will be playing two characters. A mage slayer and a Death Touched. Atheri Syvek; a mage hunter in her late twenties to early thirties. A rather pretty woman, she grew up in poverty in Euphius on the edge of the Godwastes leading her to be a superstitious woman and a devotee of Yildeane. She joined the Mage Slayer’s at an early age and has now become a well-respected individual, though is known also for her greed and extravagance that could be compared to Yildeane’s own striking fashion. She was engaged to a young man but he died many years ago, before their wedding, in the same incident that burnt Morben Risaac’s face. She’s good at close combat as well as fighting on horseback. She is known for her detailed halberd she carries around. My second, the Death Touched is named Lyhal Nydnia. He is from the Godwastes and former member of a mage tribe. An accomplished archer. He'll be exploring much of how magic works as well as the dead gods. Not much to say about him at this point besides him working with Saber's Nyrris and that he is a rather proud 1/4th Untuillian! Haha.