name: Isaac "Alchemist" Green age: 15 creature:Shape Shifter characteristics:kind, helpful, shy, funny Description: (it has many forms but this is his most preferred) [IMG][/IMG] quote: I hate Moths they're just depressed butterfly's Back story: Isaac lived in a small town close to fey. from a young age he liked to play tricks on the towns folk by shape-shifting into their cat or dog and then shape-shifting back into his preferred form. He enjoyed his young life every birthday his parents would buy him a massive cake and he would have all his child hood friends over. all in all he had a pretty normal childhood. Then on his 15 birthday a king from one of the nearby castles came by and asked if anyone from the village new alchemy as his daughter needed a special potion so she would not be able to see. Isaac being a natural at potion making class at his school in the village offered to help. some of the people in the town didn't like Isaac so they decided to change one of the ingredients for the potion to a deadly mixture of snake, spider and scorpion posion. when Isaac gave the kings daughter the potion he had made she started to cough and choke and eventually threw up her insides. the king ordered Isaac to be taken to the dungeons. before they could grab him Isaac transformed into a hawk and flew out the window towards fey. here he enrolled at the school to further his education and to find out what he did wrong with the potion. instead of buying the school uniform he shape shifted into himself with it on.