Lilith rose to her feet slowly, the body of Andrei now lifeless at her feet. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, the action doing little since both surfaces were covered in blood. Without so much as a glance at the bodies that lay around her, the walked out of the room and knocked on the door to room 506. The two young men that were hidden inside froze at the sound. They were huddled in the closet with the briefcase, the noises from next door enough to send them into hiding. Maxim had hoped the woman, or whoever it was that had caused their comrades to scream so horribly, would have just left but now he feared they had returned for the drugs. He glanced at his companion who held the briefcase to his chest as if it could save him and contemplated the best course of action. Maxim didn't know if the assailant could get into the room, but he figured they might as well prepare for that. Nudging Stick on the shoulder, he whispered, “Looks like things have gone to shit… Let’s do one more line. What do you say?” The frail teen looked at him with a mix of shock and fear. “D-Do you really think that’s a good idea? Shouldn't we plan a-an escape?” “There’s no point. If Pavel and Rocket are out, there’s no way we can take ‘em and it’s too late to try and escape. We should have run when we heard screams. Damn it, why couldn't they just leave?” Maxim shook his head and reached for the stash of cocaine, “Anyway, it doesn't matter now. I’m going to do as many bumps as I can before that psycho shows up.” Reluctantly, Stick agreed and the briefcase was opened, each man taking a bag for themselves as they heard the door open. Stepping into the room, the dark-haired woman saw no one. She allowed the door to shut behind her and peered into the bathroom, finding nothing there as well. Noticing that the briefcase was nowhere to be seen, she began to worry. [i]Aleks said to make sure the briefcase stayed, they better not have run off with it.[/i] Growling softly at the thought, Lilith’s tails began to twitch in irritation. She clenched her hand into a fist and was ready to punch the wall when she heard a sharp intake of breath. Golden eyes darted to the closet and she slid the door open so hard it almost came off its track. Lilith should have been pleased that the two had not run off, but instead she was disgusted. There they were, huddled in a closet with the remnants of their last bump still on their noses. They looked up at her bleary eyed, so high they couldn't properly process the danger. Fear and panic would set in soon enough, but for now they just looked like fools. “Pathetic… your hearts are hardly even worth the trouble.” She spat the disdainful words as she grabbed Stick by his shirt and pulled him close to her face, “You should thank me for putting you out of your misery.” Before the teen could respond, Lilith struck her arm into his abdomen, similar as to what she had done to Rocket. His body didn't put up much of a fight and she easily ripped the heart from his body. Taking a bite, the kumiho’s nose crinkled. The sight was more than enough to set off Maxim and the young man began to scream in horror. He tried to get up and run past the fox spirit, but she easily grabbed hold of his hair and yanked him back. She held his head so he had to face her as she finished eating, her eyes staring deep into his though the man tried to look everywhere but at her. “You’re rather handsome, you know. I imagine you could have done something with your life.” She paused to take another bite as she tilted his head, trying to get him to look at her, “But you’re weak. Even now, you aren't trying to fight. Does your life truly mean so little to you?” Maxim didn't know how to respond, not that he could have anyway. His heart raced and his lungs gasped for air as his body went into a full-fledged panic attack. With a sigh, Lilith accepted that it was probably time to put the man out of his misery and dispensed of him just as she had the others. Once finished, the fox spirit wiped off a bit with one of the towels in the bathroom. Satisfied that one would notice what blood was left in her hair, Lilith made her tails disappear and put on her coat. She didn't pass anyone as she walked down the stairs and she slid into the lobby bathroom without anyone looking her way. She locked the door and washed up better, taking off the bloody stockings and throwing them in the trash. She pulled her satchel from the cabinet under the sink and tied her hair up in a messy bun, smiling at her reflection. Her dress was still covered in blood, but no one would see that with her coat on. Satisfied she could walk out the door without anyone questioning her, Lilith did just that. She pulled out her phone and began typing a text as she stepped out onto the street, strutting past several empty police cars. [4:22 There’s something strange going on at the Hotel Rossiya, lots of police cars outside. I think I’m going to find somewhere else to stay tonight. Don’t worry though, I’ll be alright. See you soon?]