[i]'what... is that noise...?'[/i] Charlie thought to herself. Moments before she was climbing into some small cryo-chamber. Next thing she knew some loud blaring noise kept ringing and ringing. A bright red light seeping through her closed eyes with each blink of the warning light. Quietly, at least in comparison to the beeping, Charlie groaned as she slowly pushed herself out of her sleeping state, stretching her arms weakly above her head to loosen the tight muscle. She felt a hundred pounds heavy, trying to sit up was nearly impossible. Such a long time of staying stiff as a board made moving seem like a feat of Hercules strength. But alas she summoned all her might to reach up and push on the glass dome and open the capsule where she had slept for the past 30 years. She blinked a few times, trying to clear the fog of sleep that blurred her surroundings. She would need more time. Groaning she began to push herself out of the capsule. She slowly slung one leg over the edge after the other, She sat up the best she could. hands clung to the edge of the bed of the Chamber in attempt to keep herself from toppling under her own weight. Charlie wore simple clothes, snug fitted short shorts and a basic white tank top. If she were going to sleep for 30 years she wanted to be comfortable; even if she wouldn't notice either way. She began to rub her eyes, pushing back thick brown strands of hair from her face. She began to notice more sounds. Sounds of screaming and the frantic clatter of people scrambled about. It confused her, what the hell was going on. She blinked a few more times before everything finally became clear. Emergency lights were the flashing and an automated voice told all to start making their ways to an escape pod. [i]'What the hell happened..?'[/i] she thought to herself. She build the ship with a large crew. This baby was in perfect condition. What the hell could have gone wrong? She pushed herself off the bed, trying to catch herself and land on her feet but she collapsed to the floor. "Shit.." she complained under her breath. She began to push herself back up to her feet, her limbs shaking under the strain.