Otto entered the with the others once he was called in and stood next to Ryan, he listened as Alannah spoke and this was only really half interesting to him but it seemed he would be getting his own Squad...this almost made Otto sigh but he held his composure and expression as he further listened, he did find it odd though that he would be getting a Squad...Sure he was a smart guy an all and knew how to fight Titans damn well but he usually did that alone, he hated it when others got in the seemed he'd be simply saving kids that didn't have a clue how serious this shit was and he wasn't allowed to let them die? his fucking chance of dying just doubt he'd have to throw himself infront of a damn Titan to save some of these brats. Otto then heard Ryan speak and a small smirk formed on his face which he wiped off seemingly rather quickly, he was trying to take this seriously...however once Ryan had asked his Question Otto decided to ask on "Yeah...I have one small request if that isn't to much trouble. I'd at the least prefer it that the people who end up in my Squad if any do that they have the heart to do this job and wont turn to coward once reality kicks in...I can't be trying to do my own job and keep my own ass alive and then do their job and keep their ass alive...I'm still only one man despite how experienced I am" Otto knew his request would likely get shot down but he didn't want jokers, he wanted people who were serious about this...really serious...he couldn't be dealing with cowards because he'd have no pity for them...not one bit. If they want to stand there scared and not even run then as far as he is concerned they can become Titan food...