Soa looked at the woman and said, her voice sure of what it was saying: "One thousand dollars up front and two thousands each month you work for me in any form which fancies you. As for what we will be doing, let's say "saving the world" fits it perfectly and it will be extremely dangerous at some points, but mostly it will be less dangerous then living in the slums of this city. If you want a bonus for those rare seriously life-threatening moments I can even give you that, money is not an issue for this." Soa sent a deep look into the woman's eyes - and just for a second her eyes looked like they seen and witnessed to much in their life - and then turned towards the crown focusing her eyes on the weird person clad in spiked armor and sensing that she needed him and he needed her so she let some of her power flow out to get his interest - she didn't know what would it do but if at that moment she cloud looked with his eyes around her a strong flame would have burning with passion and strengthen while a sword-like shadow would be seen behind her - appearing much as the fires that he sought and only appearing to the spiked armor-clad man's senses.