Name: Lexy, or Lex Age: 18, Birthday is the 19 of July Skills: Lexy is rather skilled in Pickpocketing and even though she may not look it or even seem that fit, is even better at Pakour\Street running with some Free running mixed in, just to make it look good to those observing. Apparance: [img=] Personality: TBR Backstory: Lex is the type of girl who keeps her story to herself no matter who asks, she always is looking forward, never back and very rarely opens up to others about herself, even though she can be rather talkative. What is known about her though is that Lex has been on the streets for a very long time now, orphaned at the youngest age hardly able to look after herself, not that she cared for she had no fond memories of her mother and their old home in the disgusting hotel that they practically lived in, and her father was a stranger who left after a one night stand and never called or retuned. Lexy had no one to turn to when she was left alone in the world, despite this though the young girl couldn't have been happier that she was finally free from the neglectful, horrible woman she was forced to call a mother, and soon learnt how to survive on her own. It took very little time for Lex to learn how to live on the streets and before very long, was getting into trouble and chased down by the cops, Lexy loved this life and wouldn't leave it any time soon.