Lexy loved to run through the city especially when it was busy, she felt so free as she sprinted across the building tops and leaped over the great long drops between each of said building, the sound of the sirens tailing her every move as the police chased her down, the sound of her sprinting shoes hitting the concrete and her panting breath. Sure her latest act to try and steal something from someone's bag didn't go well, not her best stunt but the thrill of the chase was well worth it, she wondered how long this would keep up before she again lost the coppers, they could never catch her. Seeing that her options of her next building destination were about to come to an abrupt end, Lexy decided that it wouldn't hurt to make the jump back to the street, grinning madly as she picked up her pace and charged straight ahead, glad that this building wasn't so tall or she wouldn't make this jump to the ground. There was always something to catch onto anyway when she makes this reckless move, and it was an excellent way to lose the cops that were hot on her tail, so close she could hear the frantic breath and thumping feet of the running police man behind her. "Later Boys!!" Lexy cried out in delight to those who chased her as her right foot hit the edge of the building, pushing her forwards with great speed and the momentum of her current running pushing her forward a great length, it was a bit to late though that she noticed, her way down would lead her to land on a poor unsuspecting and unfortunate soul, unable to chance her direction even as she slowed herself down by grabbing a few windowsills on the way down to slow her descent she knew she would land on this person. Roxy "Look out below!" Lexy called out as she was soon about to collide with the other girl who was below her,