Xia sipped her coffee. It was quiet in her home, or rather, her mother's home. If she remembered correctly, she'd be given a new home once or around the same time she graduates. Which was today. Just a few days ago she and her mother had talked some about her future. Her mother made it quite clear to her that she could die, and that she was not about to let the grief stop her from what she's already accomplish. Xia retorted that she's made more enemies among the other humans than she has any titans. They both saw each others remarks as a sort of joke. Still, after a few cups of coffee with a shot of brandy, the two began to become a bit more honest about their feelings. Xia's mother did not want her daughter to be part of the Scouting Legion, knowing that death is merely seconds behind her. But she would not stop her, because ever since she was a young girl Xia had a fire in her eyes that her mother knew she couldn't stop. So she'll just have to let it burn, until there's nothing left. [i]"Take care of yourself my dear. I love you."[/i] That was three days ago. After washing her dishes Xia returned to her room and put on her uniform. Clean, ironed, and stitched as though it was brand new. In front of her mirror she went through some stretches and motions, salutes, so on and so forth. Today was the big day, and despite her stone-faced expression, she was giddy inside. She knew she had passed and she knew she was ready to face any titan. She was just trying to be serious about it unlike some of the other initiates, who treat the whole idea like some sort of game. Xia has seen a titan before (Granted, from a distance through a telescope) and they were nothing to joke about. [b]"Right, let's hurry this up than."[/b] Putting aside those thoughts Xia put on her uniform. Once she was finished with that she left and locked her home behind, walking briskly towards the training grounds, near where the graduation ceremony would be held.