Ryuu was having a pretty normal day! Today, he had actually made friends, got a party mood destroyed by a student who had a passion in slamming faces onto tables, got smashed away by a boombox-wielding idiot and a demon that apparently came from the depths of Hell itself, and lost his lips' precious virginity to a three-dimensional, yet two-dimensional-like girl. Truth be told, aside from the fact that today was a really sh-tty day, it was also a day worth being happy about. He felt like singing Ave Maria over and over again. The two highlights of the day was him making friends and kissing a cute person he just met. Once again, he had to remind himself that it was CPR, but... ...[i]Dayum.[/i] Ryuu Yamauchi, the second son of his father and mother, Ryuji Yamauchi and Aiko Otonashi. Ryuu Yamauchi, the otaku who was finally on the path to true manhood. Yup, that kinda had a good ring to it. [i]Hah... Man, I'm really tired, though,[/i] he thought, and indeed, it was actually logical to think like that. Intentionally lowering his power outlet was like using a 200-Volt plug on a 100-Volt outlet. Adenine eventually mentioned about the party's downfall, and how someone had apparently been quite suspicious with some... things. He had no idea about a guy who was able to control the sun, but as a plasma user himself, he felt intrigued by this. Were there people [i]exactly[/i] like him in this school? Or perhaps, there was something more to this student... "Don't worry about it," Ryuu managed to grumble out, still attempting to look durable and tough. His still flushed face gave away his softness. For some reason, he was feeling glad that something crazy popped up, and it was not because he wanted some insane violence. The otaku just wanted to stick with this girl... just a little longer. It was nearly a given that she might end up with a boyfriend with her cute personality, so he might as well give her one hell of a person to remember. Soon enough, however, they met up with a pirate captain. "Yes!" The captain said, surprised by Adenine's sudden question. "In fact, I- Ah." "Ah." ... ... "...You were that girl that bumped into m- whoa, [b]WHAT THE HELL[/b]?!" The red-haired pirate captain was carrying what appeared to be a gun. Noticing his abrupt reaction, the pirate lady put away her pistol back to its holster. She gave him a timid, yet brave look as she managed to tell him, "Methinks you should put away that scary-looking thing." "...Oh, right," Ryuu said, taking note of the lightsaber in his hands. Thankfulky enough, before the pirate captain was able to say anything else, David came in. And he looked pretty awesome right at the moment, so Ryuu simply gave him a thumbs up as he said to him, "Yeah, I'm a-okay, dude. Here's hoping I won't end up be sitting on a wheelchair any sooner." Cortez, on the other hand, was completely fine. She looked at the brutish guy who looked like he had been pulverized by... things... and standing next to him was a cute girl she had not seen earlier. The pirate lady, seeing this as a chance to finally introduce herself, suddenky exclaimed, "[i]Ahoy![/i] Me name is-" "Oh damn!" Ryuu shouted, causing the redhead to flinch. "My glasses are broken! Urgh, no wonder my eyes were hurting..." Cortez fell silent again, simply taking off her pirate hat and staring at it, wondering on whether she was really a pirate captain or not. It was somewhat humorous of her to puff her cheeks up, but understandable. After all, every time she wanted to meet someone and tell them her name, something always ended up interrupting her. She at least hoped the other dark-haired student would at least notice her. At this rate, her existence would become outmatched by even a certain ghost's...